COVID-19: The impact of the pandemic

I would have to say I am very lucky in that the ongoing global pandemic has not significantly impacted my everyday life. In saying that, I am aware that others have severely been impacted whether due to loss (of a loved one, employment etc.), isolation or massive life changes due to restrictions.

The main reason I haven’t been too “impacted” is based on a few reasons including living in Australia and thus having significant access to government supports, working in an essential service that is a supermarket, being an introverted low-social creature who doesn’t mind hanging out on my own. There are a few things that have changed for me and definitely some restrictions that I am actually a fan of.

Alterations in my Life

I think the biggest change for me has been the introduction of telehealth here in Australia for medical appointments. This resource basically means my appointments are done via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or similar apps and programs. Its also created more bulk billed sessions with a lot of my doctors which has actually made things much easier such as not driving to the city for an appointment as well as increased the ease of budgeting.

Restrictions I’m a Fan of

Personally I like the distance between people. I very much enjoy not having to share my personal space. I just hope that we still have to maintain a distance of 1.5m after this pandemic is over. Staying home when you’re sick. This one for me is very personal and i think should just be done anyway as it (at least to me) is common sense. The pandemic has definitely changed the perspective of work culture in which its expected that employees “push through”.

~ Mackenzie


what defines us


Christmas party - AIA, SONA & EmAGN 2018