Why Choose Design? Innovate, Influence, Inspire

Design is a captivating realm that beacons creative minds, promising a world of innovation, problem-solving, and artistic expression. Among the plethora of design disciplines, architectural design stands as a beacon of opportunity, wielding the power to shape our environment, our experiences, and ultimately our lives. 

The Allure of Design

Design is a multifaceted subject area with disciplines that transcend boundaries, encompassing everything from user interfaces and fashion to structures that house our daily lives. Choosing design as a major opens doors to a plethora of opportunities and allows individuals to explore their creativity while addressing real-world problems.

Choosing a Design Discipline

When selecting a specific design discipline, it’s crucial to consider your passions, strengths, and aspirations. Here are some prominent design disciplines and their strengths and weaknesses to help guide your decision. 

  1. Architectural Design


  • Influence on Society: Architectural design holds immense potential to influence society by creating spaces that cater to diverse needs, including better accessibility for those with physical and mental health conditions.

  • Aesthetic Beauty: The beauty of architectural design lies in creating structures that harmonise with their surroundings and evoke emotions, merging aesthetics with functionality.

  • Cultural Inspiration: Architectural design allows you to draw inspiration from different cultures and amalgamate diverse architectural styles, as witnessed in cities like Buenos Aires.


  • Long Project Timelines: Architectural projects often entail lengthy timelines due to the complexity and scale of design, which requires patience and perseverance.

  • Regulatory Challenges: Adhering to stringent building codes and regulations can pose challenges and necessitate in-depth knowledge of legal and compliance aspects.

  1. Graphic Design


  • Visual Communication: Graphic design specialises in conveying messages and ideas visually, making it a powerful tool for effective communication.

  • Wide Range of Applications: From branding and advertising to web design and print media, graphic design offers diverse career paths and opportunities for specialisation.


  • Fast-paced Environment: The constantly evolving digital landscape demands graphic designers to keep up with the latest trends and technologies, requiring adaptability and continuous learning.

  1. Industrial Design


  • Product Innovation: Industrial design focuses on creating functional and aesthetically pleasing products, driving innovation and improving user experiences.

  • User-Centric Approach: Designers in this field prioritise understanding user needs, behaviours, and preferences to craft products that resonate with consumers.

  • Sustainability: Industrial design often emphasises sustainable practices and materials, contributing to eco-friendly product development.


  • Market Competition: The market for consumer products is highly competitive, requiring designers to continually innovate and differentiate their creations to succeed.

  • Balancing Form and Function: Achieving a balance between aesthetic appeal and functionality can be challenging and may require iterative design processes.

  1. Fashion Design


  • Creative Expression: Fashion design allows for boundless creativity, enabling designers to express themselves through garments and accessories.

  • Diverse Opportunities: The fashion industry offers a wide range of career options, from haute couture to ready-to-wear, styling, and fashion marketing.

  • Cultural Influence: Fashion designers often draw inspiration from diverse cultures, trends, and historical eras, creating a rich tapestry of styles and designs.


  • Fast-Paced Industry: The fashion industry evolves rapidly, demanding designers to keep up with trends, materials, and consumer preferences.

  • Highly Competitive: Establishing a successful career in fashion necessitate exceptional talent, a strong portfolio, and networking within the industry.

  1. Interior Design


  • Space Transformation: Interior design involves shaping interior spaces to enhance functionality, aesthetics, and overall wellbeing for occupants.

  • Client Interaction: Designers work closely with clients to understand their needs, preferences, and lifestyles, tailoring designs to suit individual tastes.

  • Versatile Career Paths: Interior designers can work in residential, commercial, or hospitality sectors, offering diverse opportunities for specialisation. 


  • Budget Constraints: Balancing design visions with clients’ budget limitations can be a challenge, requiring creativity to achieve impactful designs within constraints.

  • Project Coordination: Overseeing projects often involves working with multiple stakeholders, necessitating strong organisational and communication skills.

Personal Journey in Architectural Design

My fascination with architectural design stems from the profound impact it can have on our lives and society as a whole. Witnessing the cultural fusion of architectural styles in Buenos Aires fuelled my passion for this discipline. The ability to revolutionise building designs for better accessibility for those with physical and mental conditions became a driving force, propelling me towards architectural design.

Being able to contribute to an inclusive and accessible environment through thoughtful design is a gratifying prospect. The beauty and artistic expressions found in architectural design further resonate with my creative inclinations, encouraging me to delve deeper into this captivating field.

Choosing design as a major provides a gateway to a world where creativity, purpose, and societal impact converge, the ability to mold the physical world and improve lives through design is a remarkable journey worth undertaking, one that holds the potential to transform our world and leave a lasting legacy of innovation and compassion.


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