How This Little Side Gig Turned Into my Full Time Job

Turning a side gig into a full-time job is a dream for many, but the path is often filled with challenges, especially when navigating the job market as a disabled person. Here’s my journey of transforming logo design from a passion project into a thriving business, the difficulties I faced, and why it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

The Beginning: A Passion for Design

My journey started with a love for design. I found immense joy in creating logos, blending colours, shapes, and typography to form unique visual identities. What began as a hobby soon turned into a side gig as friends and small businesses started noticing my work and requesting my services. Each project was a learning experience, allowing me to refine my skills and expand my portfolio.

The Challenges: Finding Work as a Disabled Person

Navigating the traditional job market as a disabled person came with its own set of hurdles. From physical accessibility issues to stigmas and biases, the barriers were numerous and often disheartening.

1. Accessibility Issues: Many workplaces are not designed with accessibility in mind, making it difficult for disabled individuals to perform at their best. This includes everything from physical access to accommodating specific needs.

2. Stigma and Bias: Despite progress in societal attitudes, stigma and bias against disabled individuals still exist. Many employers overlook the talents and potential contributions of disabled candidates, focusing instead on their limitations.

3. Inflexible Work Environments: Traditional work environments often lack the flexibility needed to accommodate the unique challenges faced by disabled individuals. This includes rigid schedules, inadequate support systems, and a lack of understanding from colleagues and superiors.

The Turning Point: Embracing Entrepreneurship

Faced with these challenges, I decided to take control of my destiny by turning my side gig into a full-time job. This decision was not easy and came with its own set of fears and uncertainties, but it also opened up a world of possibilities.

1. Flexibility and Autonomy: Working for myself provided the flexibility I needed. I could set my own hours, work from accessible environments, and create a workflow that suited my needs. This autonomy was liberating and allowed me to thrive.

2. Building Confidence: Running my own business helped me build confidence in my abilities. Each successful project and satisfied client reinforced my belief in my skills and potential. I was no longer defined by my disability but by the quality of my work.

3. Financial Independence: Turning logo design into a full-time job also provided financial independence. I was able to earn a living doing something I loved, proving that passion and profession could indeed go hand in hand.

The Success: Why It Was the Best Decision

Looking back, embracing entrepreneurship was the best decision I ever made. Here’s why:

1. Empowerment: Building my own business empowered me in ways I never imagined. I was no longer at the mercy of inaccessible workplaces or biased employers. I was in control of my future.

2. Impact: Through my work, I could make a tangible impact. Creating logos for businesses meant helping them establish their identities and succeed. This sense of contribution was deeply fulfilling.

3. Inspiration: My journey inspired others, both within and outside the disabled community. It showed that with determination and creativity, one can overcome barriers and achieve their dreams.

4. Growth: Running a business forced me to grow both personally and professionally. I learned about marketing, client management, and the intricacies of running a business. These skills are invaluable and have shaped me into a more well-rounded individual.

The Future: Continuing the Journey

The journey from a side gig to a full-time job was not without its challenges, but it was worth every hurdle. Today, my business continues to grow, and I am passionate about helping others navigate their paths. If you’re facing similar challenges, know that with persistence and creativity, you too can turn your passion into a thriving career.

Need help with logo design or building your brand? As someone who has turned a side gig into a successful business, I understand the journey and can help you create a unique visual identity that stands out. Contact me today to get started on your branding journey.


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