How to start a bullet journal

A bullet journal is a type of personal organisational system that uses a notebook and a pen or pencil to track tasks, events, and notes. It is a flexible and customizable system that can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Starting a bullet journal can be a bit daunting, but with a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create a system that works for you. I’ve been bullet journaling for years and will share some of the spreads I’ve created in the last 6 years.

Gather materials: To start a bullet journal, you will need a notebook and a pen or pencil. You can use any type of notebook you prefer, but some people prefer a dotted or gridded notebook because it allows for more flexibility in terms of layout and design. You will also need a pen or pencil to write with. Some people prefer a fine-tip pen for writing, while others prefer a thicker pen for drawing. I personally use pens of a 0.38 thickness for my main writing although will use a variety of different thicknesses for different headings.

Create a table of contents and an index

One of the key features of a bullet journal is the ability to easily find information. To help with this, you should create a table of contents and an index in the front of your notebook. The table of contents should list the main sections of your journal, such as daily logs, monthly logs, and collections. The index should list the pages where specific topics or notes can be found. I don’t really use a lot of indexes for my main bullet journals but will for my research-based journals and my current therapy journal. I find it annoying to write in the page numbers, so I prefer not to – of course your index does not necessarily need to include the page numbers if you don’t want. You could simply use an index as a rough page idea guide as you build your bullet journal.


Create a daily log

A daily log is where you will list your tasks, events, and notes for each day. To start, write the date at the top of the page, then use bullet points to list your tasks and events. You can also use symbols, such as a checkmark or an X, to indicate the status of a task (completed or not completed). To add notes, you can use a bullet point with a dash or a star. I haven’t always used daily logs, and this year I chose not to because I don’t have time to journal everyday if I’m being realistic. Instead I keep daily notes on a writing pad by my desk and my to-do lists on my computer. Back when I did use a daily log I used it to track appointments and my mood on the frequent.

Create a weekly log

A weekly log is a way to keep track of tasks, events, and notes for a specific week. It is a great way to break down your daily log into smaller chunks of time and can help you focus on specific tasks and goals for the week. Remember that your weekly log should be a flexible and dynamic document, you can adjust the layout and format as you see fit. Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with different layouts and designs to find what works best for you.

Create a monthly log

A monthly log is a great way to keep track of long-term tasks and events. To create a monthly log, create a new page for each month. Write the name of the month at the top of the page, then use bullet points to list tasks and events for the month. You can also use symbols to indicate the status of tasks and events.


Create future logs

Future logs are a great way to keep track of long-term goals and plans. You could eithe do a general year in advance or create a new page and divide it into three or four sections. Each section should represent a quarter of the year. Write the name of the quarter at the top of each section, then use bullet points to list tasks and events for that quarter.

Key Pieces of Advice

 Experiment with layouts and designs: One of the best things about a bullet journal is that it is completely customizable. You can experiment with different layouts and designs to find what works best for you. Some people prefer a minimalist design, while others prefer a more decorative design.


Make it your own: The most important thing is to make your bullet journal your own. You should tailor it to your specific needs and preferences. If you find that certain sections or layouts are not working for you, feel free to change or remove them. As you use your bullet journal, you will likely find that your needs and preferences change, so don't be afraid to make adjustments as you go.


Use it consistently: The key to making your bullet journal work is to use it consistently. Try to set aside time each day to update your daily log and check your other sections. You can also set reminders for yourself to update your journal at specific times of the day. Consistency is key to keeping your journal organized and useful.


My biggest struggle with bullet journaling has always been maintaining it for more than 6 months because I lose the time to set each log and layout up. To overcome this, at the end of last year I digitised my 2023 bullet journal and had it printed. Now I set time out at the end of each week (after I finish work on Sunday) to go through and do a weekly set up and break down.

Starting a bullet journal is a great way to organise your life and keep track of tasks, events, and notes. It is a flexible and customisable system that can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a bullet journal that works for you. Remember to experiment with different layouts and designs, and to make your bullet journal your own. Above all, consistency is key to making your bullet journal a success.


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