embracing the part-time adventure

Picture this: a passionate student determined to conquer the world of architecture while simultaneously embarking on a quest for improved health and financial stability. That's me! I decided to become a part-time student to fully dedicate myself to my recovery and build a healthier foundation for my future career. Plus, let's not forget the bills—earning some extra cash through part-time work has been a lifesaver!

Ah, the art of balancing it all! To keep my ship sailing smoothly, I've armed myself with a trusty calendar and a handy-dandy to-do app. They've become my sidekicks in the battle against chaos, reminding me of deadlines, study sessions, and those much-needed breaks for some self-care and rejuvenation.

Being a part-time student brings its fair share of challenges that require grit, determination, and the ability to navigate multiple commitments simultaneously. As an architectural design enthusiast, I've found myself dancing on the fine line between my studies and other responsibilities. One of the most significant hurdles I've faced is the delicate art of balance. Balancing coursework, job responsibilities, family obligations, and personal life feels like walking a tightrope, where one misstep can upset the delicate equilibrium. It calls for a disciplined approach, meticulous prioritization, and occasionally mastering the art of multitasking.

Time constraints are another formidable challenge for part-time students. With limited hours in the day, it becomes essential to make every moment count. Effective time management becomes a survival skill, as we strive to maximize study sessions, complete assignments, and stay on top of deadlines. Prioritising tasks, breaking them into manageable chunks, and utilising productivity tools are all crucial strategies in this juggling act. It's a constant battle against procrastination and the temptation to succumb to distractions.

One of the significant challenges that often come with part-time study is the intensity of the workload. While we have the advantage of a more flexible schedule, we still face the same academic expectations as full-time students. The difference lies in the compressed timeframe, where we must absorb and comprehend the same amount of information in a shorter period. The workload can be demanding, with assignments, projects, and exams requiring our full attention and effort.

Becoming a part-time student has not only impacted my academic pursuits but has also been a catalyst for profound personal growth. It has given me the freedom to prioritise my health and well-being, leading to remarkable progress and a transformational journey.

The flexibility inherent in this arrangement has allowed me to tailor my schedule to accommodate medical appointments, therapy sessions, and self-care practices. I needed 2023 to be a fully recovery focused year in order to prepare me for the workforce and my career. This intentional focus on self-care has not only improved my physical health but has also had a profound impact on my mental and emotional wellbeing.

With a reduced course load, I have been able to engage in deep learning and reflection, actively seeking knowledge and expanding my horizons. I have taken the time to explore additional resources, attend workshops, and engage in therapeutic activities that align with my values and goals. This multidimensional approach to education has allowed me to cultivate a broader skill set and gain a deeper understanding of my field of study.

Witnessing my personal growth throughout this part-time student journey has been truly inspiring. I have blossomed into a stronger, more resilient version of myself, equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive both academically and in life. This transformational experience has not only shaped my educational path but has also permeated every aspect of my existence, instilling in me a sense of purpose and empowerment.

advice for other students:

  1. Embrace the power of flexibility: Life rarely follows a straight path, so don't be afraid to adapt your studies to fit your circumstances. Part-time education offers the freedom to balance your passions, health, and finances without feeling overwhelmed.

  2. Build a support network: Surround yourself with cheerleaders, both inside and outside the classroom. Seek guidance from mentors, connect with fellow students, and cherish the support of your loved ones. Together, you'll conquer any challenge that comes your way.

  3. Prioritise self-care: Remember, you're not just a student; you're a multifaceted human being! Take breaks, nourish your mind and body, and indulge in activities that bring you joy. Remember, the greatest designs come from a refreshed and inspired mind.

  4. Celebrate milestones: Every step forward, no matter how small, is a cause for celebration. Pat yourself on the back for conquering each unit, for mastering new skills, and for persevering on this incredible educational journey. You're doing amazing, and don't you forget it!


The transformative power of nature


You’re on your own, kid - taylor swift