Dear reader…

Dear Reader,

In the realm where science and compassion theoretically converge, I write to you today with a melody of resilience and hope, resonating from the depths of my soul. It is a song that carries the weight of a thousand, maybe millions of unheard voices, and it’s time to let it unfurl in the symphony of our collective experiences.

For too long, the narratives of those living with chronic mental and physical health condition have been whispered, muted, and invalidated. Our stories have been cast aside, buried beneath the cold confines of medical scepticism. We have stood at the precipice of our pain, yearning for validation, understanding, and most importantly, belief.

In the hallowed halls of healthcare, we have traversed a labyrinth of misdiagnoses, dismissed symptoms, and the all-too-familiar refrain of “you’re not sick enough,” “it’s all in your head.” Our very essence has been reduced to mere statistics and guidelines, lost in the sea of clinical indifference. But no more shall I remain silent.

 Today, I raise my voice, emboldened by the strength of countless others who have carried the weight of their own invisible battles. I invite you, the guardians of health, to listen, to truly listen, to the sonata of our experiences. For within this harmonious tapestry lies the key to unlocking a more empathetic and inclusive healthcare system.

Believe us when we speak of our pain, for it is not merely an echo in the void, but a profound reality that shapes our entire existence. Understand that our bodies are not vessels of deceptions, but temples that house the intricate interplay of chronic conditions. Acknowledge the complexities that dwell within our tangled fibres and let empathy be the guiding light that illuminates our shared path.

Let us come together, united in the pursuit of change. Let us bridge the chasm that separates us, fostering a partnership built on trust, compassion, and mutual respect. Together, we can rewrite the narrative forging a new era where our voices are no longer silences, but celebrated for their resilience.


Let this letter be a clarion call, a resounding declaration that I will no longer be silenced. With every word, every heartbeat, we will reclaim our power, transcending the limitations that have bound us for far too long. We are the authors of our own narratives.

It is a sad truth that many of us have experienced the invalidation and minimisation of our health concerns by medical professionals. Our voices, our pain, and our struggles are often brushed aside, leaving us feeling unheard and invisible.


I wrote this letter to shine a light on these injustices and to advocate for change. It is not enough for healthcare providers to merely observe and diagnose; they must listen and believe. Our experiences are real, our suffering is real, and our need for support is real.


Our symptoms are dismissed as exaggerations or manifestations of anxiety or depression. We are labelled as “difficult” or “hysterical” and our pleas for help fall on deaf ears. This dismissive attitude not only perpetuates our pain but also erodes the trust we have in the medical profession.

It’s time for a change. We should not have to fight for validation or struggle to be heard. Our voices matter, our stories matter, our lives matter.




Nurturing my health


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